Tick Bites and Prevention
Ticks in Singapore generally do not affect cats, but are found more commonly on dogs and other pets. The greatest concern over ticks usually stem from pets, not humans, as ticks can transmit serious illnesses that may prove fatal to your pets. For example, the Canine Babesiosis and Ehrlichiosis are diseases spread by ticks, which deposit blood borne parasites, causing symptoms such as anaemia, lethargy, fever, vomiting, diarrhea and even nose bleeds in dogs. Other illnesses such as Lyme disease and Tick Paralysis are also serious illnesses which may result in weakness in your pets. If you notice your pets developing any of the symptoms above, please contact a veterinarian to run a thorough check on your pets for ticks and a pest control company to rid your home of the tick infestation.
Adult female ticks are capable of laying thousands of eggs, after feeding, in walls, crevices and dark corners of the room. To ensure that the ticks do not breed in your home, it is wise to clean all remote areas of your home regularly such that these ticks are unable to find any breeding ground. As tick nymphs are difficult to spot with our naked eye, it is important to ensure that your home is free from tick eggs so that it would not become a breeding ground for these pests.